K-TRACS | Kansas Board of Pharmacy
Appropriate Use
No. Providers should not use K-TRACS on its own to make any clinical decision. Providers should not use a K-TRACS patient report as the basis for denying a patient admission to their practice or to dismiss a patient from their practice. Other clinical tools should be consulted before making these decisions.
K-TRACS is one of many clinical tools you can use to inform your decision-making process. It should be consulted in tandem with many other tools to make the best clinical decision for the patient.
No. K-TRACS should only be used for the medical and pharmaceutical care of a patient or a prospective patient. Providers may use K-TRACS to search for patients requesting admission to their practice and/or seeking to transfer medications to their pharmacy for the first time.
Never use K-TRACS to search for anyone who is not a patient under your care, including prospective employees, family members or yourself.
Yes. Providers are encouraged to discuss K-TRACS reports with patients to educate them about how they use K-TRACS in their clinical decision-making. If the report highlights any concerns, these should be discussed with the patient.
Providers should not give a copy of the report to the patient — the patient can request a copy directly from K-TRACS.
No. K.S.A. 65-1687 prohibits the storage of K-TRACS data outside the online database. Providers are encouraged to seek EMR integration or use a delegate to help facilitate review of the patient report in lieu of printing. Providers are encouraged to document review of the report in the patient's chart, but the report cannot be stored in individual medical records.
No. K.S.A. 65-1687 prohibits the storage of K-TRACS data outside the online database. Providers are encouraged to document review of the report in the patient's chart, but the report cannot be stored in individual medical records.
K.S.A. 65-1683 provides for the following cases in which a user's access may be removed:
- Kansas regulatory boards are required to notify K-TRACS of any denial, suspension, revocation or other administrative limitation of a licensee or registrant that would disqualify them from being authorized to use K-TRACS. Users may lose access based on these notifications.
- Supervising prescribers and pharmacists are required to notify K-TRACS of any action that would disqualify a delegate from being authorized to use K-TRACS. Supervisors may "reject" a delegate by using the Delegate Management feature in K-TRACS, or they may notify K-TRACS to have the delegate's access removed based on license revocation, termination or other change in employment.
- K-TRACS may, in its discretion, block any user's access to the database if it has reason to believe the user may have inappropriately accessed or used patient information in violation of state or federal law.
No, users may not print the K-TRACS report. If delegates are using K-TRACS to solely deliver the K-TRACS patient report to you in a more efficient manner and without vetting or analysis, we encourage you to request integration of K-TRACS into your records system for efficient delivery of reports for your review.
Alternatively, your delegate can document in the patient encounter that K-TRACS was reviewed and specific information from the report that you should consider in your clinical decision-making.
Delegates can login to the K-TRACS web portal to search for individual patients or conduct bulk searches to review an entire day’s or week’s worth of patients, all patients on controlled substance contracts, or other frequently used patient rosters.
All supervisors should routinely review their listed delegates in their K-TRACS account and remove access for any delegate who is no longer employed in their practice or who no longer uses K-TRACS on their behalf. Read how to manage delegates.
Delegates should work within their scope of practice when reviewing K-TRACS reports. Delegates may be able to search all patients for their supervising prescriber/pharmacist and document those who do not have prescription history in K-TRACS and do not require further review. Delegates may also be able to review specific pieces of the report at the direction of their supervising prescriber/pharmacist and document that information. Prescribers and pharmacists maintain ultimate clinical decision-making authority and should also review the patient’s K-TRACS report.
Prescribers and pharmacists can appoint delegates to search K-TRACS on their behalf. Delegates must be licensed by a state regulatory board (i.e., RN, LPN, RRT, RDH, CPhT, EMT, paramedic or pharmacy intern). Medical assistants and office managers without these credentials are not allowed.
Prescribers and pharmacists who use integration are able to access K-TRACS patient prescription history at the click of a button. The technology of integration acts as the delegate for prescribers and pharmacists in facilitating easy access to patient reports.
Why is it important for delegates to have approved supervisors for all providers for whom they search patients?
Delegate searches are attributed to the provider for whom they select to complete a search. Delegate searches sufficiently meet Kansas Medicaid requirements to check K-TRACS prior to prescribing for a Medicaid member; however, the search must be attributed to the correct provider who is prescribing. For example, if a nurse in a multiple provider practice completes patient searches for all providers but only has one approved K-TRACS supervisor, only that provider will show searches for the purposes of meeting Medicaid requirements.
Exemption from Reporting
No. All new exemption requests and annual exemption renewals can be completed online only. Apply or renew online.
The K-10 Exemption Request form should only be used for exemption renewals required when the pharmacy has a PIC change or DEA change.
K.A.R. 68-21-2 requires all pharmacies to renew their reporting exemptions annually to ensure no dispensing practices have changed within the pharmacy. The regulation also requires a renewal of reporting exemptions when:
- The PIC changes. The incoming PIC is required to complete a K-10 Request for Exemption in addition to the BA-50 PIC Change form.
- The pharmacy’s DEA number changes or allowed schedules listed on the DEA permit change.
- The pharmacy acquires a DEA permit after exemption approval.
These circumstances warrant updates to the K-TRACS reporting exemption to ensure dispensing practices as they relate to K-TRACS reporting requirements have not changed with the changes at the pharmacy.
If your hospital never dispenses outpatient prescriptions, select “dispenser is a licensed hospital pharmacy.”
K.A.R. 68-21-2 exempts reporting of interim supplies provided for 48 hours or less. If a hospital pharmacy provides interim supplies and does not dispense any other controlled substances or drugs of concern, select "dispenser is a licensed hospital pharmacy."
If your hospital dispenses some outpatient prescriptions (including those for employees), you likely do not qualify for an exemption. Contact K-TRACS for further evaluation of your circumstances.
The only request for exemption that requires attachments to be uploaded is the request related to “Dispenser does not dispense scheduled substances or drugs of concern in the state of Kansas or to an address in this state.” If nonresident pharmacies indicate this as the reason for the exemption, the pharmacy must include:
- Three months’ of dispensation records (this report can be blank if no dispensing has occurred) and/or three-months’ of zero reports filed with K-TRACS
- If the pharmacy is registered in other states, please submit a list of the states as well as the reporting requirements in each state.
- If you have received a written reprimand, censure or other disciplinary action related to PDMP reporting, please provide a copy of each incident.
If further explanation of your request for exemption is needed, please include an attachment with a written explanation. Do not upload the K-10 as an attachment.
You will receive an initial email confirming K-TRACS has received your request for exemption. After K-TRACS staff has reviewed your request, you will receive an additional email with the status of your request – approved or denied. This email serves as confirmation and proof of exemption (or denial). You will not receive a separate certificate as confirmation.
K.S.A. 65-1682 allows for statutory exemptions from reporting requirements, and K.A.R. 68-21-2 creates additional provisions for pharmacies that are not required to report. The online exemption renewal process creates a streamlined process for K-TRACS to identify and manage pharmacies that qualify for either type of exemption. K.A.R. 68-21-2 also requires all exemptions be renewed annually and in other special circumstances.
Why can’t I complete the exemption renewal at the same time as my Kansas Board of Pharmacy facility registration renewal?
K.A.R. 68-21-2 specifies all exemption renewals must be completed between August 1 and August 31 each year.
The Pharmacist in Charge (PIC) at the pharmacy is required to complete the exemption request and annual renewal because they are the individuals most familiar with the dispensing practices of the pharmacy. Exemption requests submitted by anyone other than the PIC (including corporate or licensing contacts) will be denied.
Manage Your K-TRACS Account
Yes. Delegates should list all supervisors for which they may search patients. Delegates must ensure the correct supervisor is selected when pulling patient reports.
View the steps on how to add your mobile number.
- Login to your K-TRACS account
- Open the Menu
- Navigate to My Profile under User Profile
- Scroll down to Supervisors
- Enter the email address the supervisor used to create their account
- Click Add
- Click Save Changes and a request for approval will be sent to your supervisor
I changed employers and no longer have access to the email on my K-TRACS account. Do I need to register for a new account?
No. Contact K-TRACS staff at pmpadmin@ks.gov or 785-296-6547 for assistance updating your email address and employer.
I have tried to change my password, but I haven’t received an email with the link to reset. How can I reset my password?
Some security features block the auto generated reset password email. Contact K-TRACS staff at 785-296-6547 for assistance resetting your password. For security purposes, username and password information cannot be sent via email.
K.S.A. 65-1685 (f) requires practitioners and pharmacists to notify K-TRACS within 30 calendar days of any action that would disqualify a delegate from being authorized to receive program data on behalf of the supervisor. Additionally, all supervisors should routinely review their listed delegates in their K-TRACS account and remove access for any delegate who is no longer employed in their practice or who no longer uses K-TRACS on their behalf.
Yes. Supervising providers are limited to 10 delegates. Supervisors are responsible for their delegates' searches, including ensuring the appropriateness of the searches.
Prescribers and pharmacists can appoint delegates to search K-TRACS on their behalf. Delegates must be licensed by a state regulatory board (i.e., RN, LPN, RRT, RDH, CPhT, EMT, paramedic or pharmacy intern). Medical assistants and office managers without these credentials are not allowed.
Pharmacy Reporting
Yes, a zero report is required to be submitted by the end of the next business day following a day in which no dispensations occur.
No. A patient's physical address is required to be reported with the dispensation. PO boxes are not acceptable. You can obtain a patient's physical address from their driver's license, state ID or insurance card.
Errors occur in prescriptions reported when missing or incorrect information is submitted. Pharmacists-in-charge (PICs) have access to correct errors by logging into their K-TRACS account, navigating to the Menu, then to Rx Management. Each prescription that contains errors is listed. Missing or incorrect information is highlighted within each prescription and can be corrected and re-submitted by the PIC.
Read: How to Correct Errors
Animal prescriptions filled in pharmacies should be entered in pharmacy dispensing systems in the following manner:
- Use the animal's name as the patient name
- Use the human/owner's date of birth and address
- Select the patient type or species code as animal or non-human (required as of November 1, 2023)
Data entry at the pharmacy remains unchanged for these prescriptions. However, K-TRACS recommends pharmacy system vendors report the human/owner's information in the patient (PAT) fields in addition to the species code and animal name.
The distinction between human and non-human prescriptions is important for healthcare providers looking up human prescription history to use in their clinical decision-making, as well as in reporting prescription data in aggregate.
For veterinarians without NPI or DEA numbers, pharmacies should use the veterinarian's four-digit state license number in the state license number field. The DEA and NPI fields should be left blank.
For other types of prescribers without a DEA number, the NPI number should be used.
All controlled substance prescriptions must include a DEA number.
I am trying to correct errors for my pharmacy but am unable to view the errors. How do I see the errors?
Only pharmacists-in-charge are permitted to correct errors within their K-TRACS account. If you are not a PIC, you will not be able to see the error list. If you are a PIC and are unable to see the errors for your pharmacy, contact K-TRACS to update your account information to receive the correct permissions.
K.A.R. 68-21-7 defines drugs of concern as:
- Any product containing all three of these drugs: butalbital, acetaminophen and caffeine;
- Any compound, mixture or preparation that contains any detectable quantity of ephedrine, its salts or optical isomers, or salts of optical isomers and is exempt from being reported to the statewide electronic logging system for the sale of methamphetamine precursors;
- Any compound, mixture or preparation that contains any detectable quantity of pseudoephedrine, its salts or optical isomers, or salts of optical isomers and is exempt from being reported to the statewide electronic logging system for the sale of methamphetamine precursors; Promethazine with codeine; and
- Any product, compound, mixture or preparation that contains gabapentin.
All controlled substance prescriptions in schedules II-IV plus five drugs of concern defined in K.A.R. 68-21-7 are required to be reported to K-TRACS. K.S.A. 65-1683 outlines the 16 data elements required to be reported for each prescription.
A “dispenser” is defined in K.S.A. 65-1682 as a “practitioner, pharmacy or pharmacist who delivers a scheduled substance or drug of concern to an ultimate user, but does not include:
- A licensed hospital pharmacy that distributes such substances for the purpose of inpatient hospital care;
- A medical care facility as defined in K.S.A. 65-425, and amendments thereto, practitioner or other authorized person who administers such a substance;
- A registered wholesale distributor of such substances;
- A veterinarian licensed by the Kansas board of veterinary examiners who dispenses or prescribes a scheduled substance or drug of concern; or
- A practitioner who has been exempted from the reporting requirements of this act in rules and regulations promulgated by the board.
An exemption request process is in place for dispensers who do not meet these requirements but also do not dispense controlled substances or drugs of concern in Kansas.