K-TRACS | Kansas Board of Pharmacy
K-TRACS MenuMedical Records Integration
K-TRACS can be integrated into many electronic medical record (EMR) systems to make K-TRACS data directly available in a patient’s electronic record. The integration simplifies the process of searching patient’s prescription drug history and saves prescribers an average of 4 minutes per patient, according to K-TRACS analysis.
Integrated K-TRACS patient prescription drug history is only available for prescribers through the EMR, and all prescribers accessing K-TRACS through an integration must have a registered user account. Delegates still need to register to use the K-TRACS system through a web browser.
Integrations must be reported to and approved by the Board of Pharmacy. To begin the process:
- Create an account to complete the request process
- Complete the Integration Request Form
- Download and Sign the Terms and Conditions Agreement
- Ensure all prescribers who intend to use the integration have registered to use K-TRACS
Upon completion of the form, you will receive additional information on next steps. Development timelines vary, but the K-TRACS vendor, Bamboo Health, will coordinate with your software vendor and discuss needed work for integration.
Integration Costs
The integration is partially funded by a grant from the CDC, which covers ongoing maintenance fees for every Kansas health system, pharmacy and physician office connecting to K-TRACS through the integration service. Each entity is responsible for their IT work/time and costs passed down from any EMR vendor. Many prominent vendors have already completed development of an integration module and costs are minimal, if any.
This project was sponsored by cooperative agreement #NU17CE924998-02-00 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, awarded to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.