Add & Manage Delegates

Annual Delegate Reverification

Delegates can help prescribers and pharmacists search patient prescription drug histories to improve efficiencies and workflows.

Each prescriber and pharmacist is allowed up to 10 delegates, but you should limit the number of delegates to ensure effective supervision.

Delegates cannot use K-TRACS through an integrated system — only prescribers and pharmacists can.

Delegate FAQs

  • Delegates

Removing Delegate Access

K.S.A. 65-1685 (f) requires prescribers and pharmacists to notify K-TRACS within 30 days of any action that would disqualify a delegate from being authorized to use K-TRACS, including employment change, licensure status change, etc.

When K-TRACS delegates leave your practice, please either remove them from your K-TRACS account or contact K-TRACS staff to remove their access.

On an annual basis, review the delegates listed in your K-TRACS account to ensure users have the appropriate access.